Communication Domain

Function Level - Severe

A New Format

Recently in California, a new format for writing IEP's was developed. Today's special educators face new requirements each time they draft goals and objectives. California teachers are now required to write their student objectives using this style. If you follow a few short steps, you can convert the Idea Statement into the new format.

The following is the alternate benchmark method you could use to describe your students IEP's. There are several examples of benchmarks for you to use. Simply copy any Idea Statement and/or Alternate Benchmark you want, and paste it to your form, or download the free form on this site. Change the Idea Statement to best describe your students needs.

Convert Idea Statements From This Conventional Style

THE STUDENT will recognize and recite names of classmates
2 out of 4 names on 4 consecutive days by month/year
3 out of 4 names on 4 consecutive days by month/year
4 out of 4 names on 4 consecutive days by month/year

To This Alternate Benchmark Style

By month/year, THE STUDENT will recognize and recite names of classmates 2 out of 5 names on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will recognize and recite names of classmates 3 out of 5 names on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will recognize and recite names of classmates 4 out of 5 names on 4 consecutive days

Copy an Paste an Alternate Benchmark

By month/year, Paste Goal Here 2 out of 5 trials on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here 3 out of 5 trials on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here 4 out of 5 trials on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, given sequence prompt Paste Goal Here with 40% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

By month/year, given sequence prompt Paste Goal Here with 60% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

By month/year, given sequence prompt Paste Goal Here with 80% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

By month/year given a teacher-made test, Paste Goal Here with 40% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

By month/year given a teacher-made test, Paste Goal Here with 60% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

By month/year given a teacher-made test, Paste Goal Here with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 30% accuracy for a period of 10 days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 40% accuracy for a period of 10 days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 50% accuracy for a period of 10 days

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 40% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 60% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

By month/year, Paste Goal Here with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

Then Insert The Following Goal of Your Choice Into Paste Goal Here

Communication Idea Statements

Although THE STUDENT is willing, he has difficulty following a series of directions. THE STUDENT will follow 5 directions at once.
THE STUDENT will carry out a series of directions given to him at one time by his teacher.
By month/year 2 out of 5 directions on 4 consecutive days
By month/year 3 out of 5 directions on 4 consecutive days
By month/year 4 out of 5 directions on 4 consecutive days
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will carry out a series of directions given to him at one time by his teacher 2 out of 5 direction on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will carry out a series of directions given to him at one time by his teacher 3 out of 5 direction on 4 consecutive days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will carry out a series of directions given to him at one time by his teacher 4 out of 5 direction on 4 consecutive days

THE STUDENT can identify some personal information, but is experiencing difficulty in communicating personal data. THE STUDENT will give personal information with 80% accuracy.
When requested to give personal data orally THE STUDENT will correctly give his name, street address and phone number with:
By month/year 4 out of 5 sessions 10% accuracy
By month/year 4 out of 5 sessions 15% accuracy
By month/year 4 out of 5 sessions r 20% accuracy
Communication Domain

By month/year, given sequence prompt, when requested to give personal data orally THE STUDENT will correctly give his name, street address and phone number with 10% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

By month/year, given sequence prompt, when requested to give personal data orally THE STUDENT will correctly give his name, street address and phone number with 15% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

By month/year, given sequence prompt, when requested to give personal data orally THE STUDENT will correctly give his name, street address and phone number with 20% accuracy 4 out of 5 sessions

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use sentences of two or more words to talk about an object or an event:
10% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days by month/year
25% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days by month/year
50% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days by month/year
Communication Domain

By month/year given a teacher-made test, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use sentences of two or more words to talk about an object or an event with 10% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

By month/year given a teacher-made test, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use sentences of two or more words to talk about an object or an event with 25% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

By month/year given a teacher-made test, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use sentences of two or more words to talk about an object or an event with 50% accuracy 3 out of 4 trial days

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use basic relationships (Ex.: subject+verb+object constructions such as "Daddy throw ball."(place statement here) to communicate:
with 30% accuracy for a period of 10 days by month/year
with 40% accuracy for a period of 10 days by month/year

with 50% accuracy for a period of 10 days by month/year
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use basic relationships (Ex.: subject+verb+object constructions such as "Daddy throw ball."(place statement here) to communicate with 30% accuracy for a period of 10 days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use basic relationships (Ex.: subject+verb+object constructions such as "Daddy throw ball."(place statement here) to communicate with 40% accuracy for a period of 10 days

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use basic relationships (Ex.: subject+verb+object constructions such as "Daddy throw ball."(place statement here) to communicate with 50% accuracy for a period of 10 days

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will initiate a verbal exchange
with 40% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
with 60% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will initiate a verbal exchange with 40% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will initiate a verbal exchange with 60% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

By month/year, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will initiate a verbal exchange with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences

Given a class or social setting, THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will initiate conversation at appropriate times:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use basic relationships to talk about people and objects in his environment (i.e. Mommy hurt leg, Grandma coming, THE STUDENT want drink):
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will use expanded relationships (i.e. Mommy hurt her leg. THE STUDENT wants another drink.):
30 minutes,1 times per week by June
30 minutes, 2 times per week by October
55 minutes, 3 times per week by December
55 minutes, 4 times per week by February
55 minutes, 5 times per week by March
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will begin to draw shapes that represent people and objects, adding details such as a body with a head, hands, legs or a car with wheels.
10% accuracy by June
25% accuracy by November
50% accuracy by February
75% accuracy by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT understands parts of his body but has difficulty identifying them.
THE STUDENT will point accurately to all body parts when asked to do so. The student will point to head, face, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, elbows, teeth, ears, tongue, neck, knees, toes, stomach, and hair:
5 out of 19 by December
10 out of 19 by February
15 out of 19 by April
19 out of 19 by June
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will name at least 20 familiar objects without being asked 50% of the time:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use sentences of four or more words with 25% accuracy.:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will deliver a simple message 2 out of 5 times.(for example, "We're going to the playground"):
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will state which of two objects not present is bigger 4 out of 5 requests. (For example, the child answers correctly when asked, "Which is bigger, a cat or a mouse?"):
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use "a" and "the" in phrases or sentences 4 out of 5 times. (Examples are "a dog" and "the ball."):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will recite letters of the alphabet from memory. (Letters may be in or out of sequence. the student may sing the "ABC song" but does say the alphabet.)
THE STUDENT will identify 4 letters of the alphabet by January
THE STUDENT will identify 10 letters of the alphabet by March
THE STUDENT will identify 18 letters of the alphabet by June
THE STUDENT will identify 24 letters of the alphabet September
Communication Domain

Increase expressive communication. THE STUDENT will identify all printed letters of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase
THE STUDENT will identify all printed letters of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase:
1 out of 8 times by January
3 out of 8 times by March
5 out of 8 times by May
7 out of 8 times by July
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will name 5 other family members including pets:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will name 4 toys:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will produce animal sound or use sound for animal's name (cow is "moo-moo"):
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will ask for some common food items by name when shown (milk, cookie, cracker):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will ask questions by a rising intonation at end of work or phrase:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will name 3 body parts on a doll or other person:
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will answer yes/no question with affirmative or negative reply:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will combine noun or adjective and noun in two word phrase (ball chair) (my ball):
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will combine noun and verb in two word phrase (daddy go):
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use word for bathroom need :
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will combine verb or noun with "there" "here" in 2 word utterance (chair here):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will combine 2 words to express possession (daddy car):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use "no" or "not" in speech :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will answer question "what's -- doing?" for common activities:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will improve oral language skills to a level commensurate with his ability level, he will request items necessary to participate in and/or complete activities:
with 40% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
with 60% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 occurrences by month/year
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will answer "where" questions:
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will use HIS/HER communication device to ask a question 60% of the time on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will use HIS/HER communication device to ask a question 70% of the time on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will use HIS/HER communication device to ask a question 80% of the time on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will name familiar environmental sounds:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will hold a book correctly and turn pages one at a time, right to left during a 3 minute time period on 2 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will hold a book correctly and turn pages one at a time, right to left during a 4 minute time period on 3 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will hold a book correctly and turn pages one at a time, right to left during a 5 minute time period on 4 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will give more than one object when asked using plural form (blocks) :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will touch random letters on a computer keyboard during a 3 minute time period on 2 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will touch random letters on a computer keyboard during a 4 minute time period on 3 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when involved in quiet reading time, THE STUDENT will touch random letters on a computer keyboard during a 5 minute time period on 4 out of 5 days as observed by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will say plural for each word from a list at (60%) accuracy for 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will say plural for each word from a list at (80%) accuracy for 10 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will say plural for each word from a list at (100%)accuracy for 15 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will refer to self by own name in speech:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, while participating in beginning band, THE STUDENT will operate a switch adapted drum machine to generate a drum sound pattern with staff or peer prompt to initiate pattern 25% of the opportunities on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, while participating in beginning band, THE STUDENT will operate a switch adapted drum machine to generate a drum sound pattern with staff or peer prompt to initiate pattern 50% of the opportunities on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, while participating in beginning band, THE STUDENT will operate a switch adapted drum machine to generate a drum sound pattern with staff or peer prompt to initiate pattern 75% of the opportunities on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will point to picture of common object described by its use (10) :
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will create own pattern of sound ( clapping hands, musical instrument) 25% of the opportunities on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will create own pattern of sound ( clapping hands, musical instrument) 50% of the opportunities on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will create own pattern of sound ( clapping hands, musical instrument) 75% of the opportunities on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will hold up fingers to tell age:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will match pairs of upper case letters 1 out of 3 opportunities on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will match pairs of upper case letters 2 out of 3 opportunities on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will match pairs of upper case letters 3 out of 3 opportunities on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will tell the sex of a friend when asked :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year THE STUDENT will point to basic community survival signs upon request. 40% of the time on 4 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will point to basic community survival signs upon request. 60% of the time on 6 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will point to basic community survival signs upon request. 80% of the time on 8 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will carry out a series of two related commands :
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use "ing" verb form (running):
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year THE STUDENT will type a message on the computer and read it to another person on 3 consecutive trials as measured by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will type a message on the computer and read it to another person on 4 consecutive trials as measured by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will type a message on the computer and read it to another person on 5 consecutive trials as measured by staff

THE STUDENT will use regular plural forms (book/books):
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use some irregular past tense forms consistently (went, did, was):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year given 3 shapes ( ) printed on paper, THE STUDENT will trace over the shapes on 4 out of 10 trials for 3 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year given 3 shapes ( ) printed on paper, THE STUDENT will trace over the shapes on 6 out of 10 trials for 4 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year given 3 shapes ( ) printed on paper, THE STUDENT will trace over the shapes on 8 out of 10 trials for 5 consecutive days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will ask question, "What's this (that)?":
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year THE STUDENT will print first name on 4 out of 10 trials for 3 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will print first name on 6 out of 10 trials for 4 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will print first name on 8 out of 10 trials for 5 consecutive days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will control voice volume :
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

By month/year when shown a variety of product labels, THE STUDENT will identify the product 40% of the time on 4 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when shown a variety of product labels, THE STUDENT will identify the product 60% of the time on 6 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year when shown a variety of product labels, THE STUDENT will identify the product 80% of the time on 8 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will use "this" and "that" in speech:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, when using the school library, THE STUDENT will choose HIS/HER own book from the library shelf on 7 out of 10 opportunities as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when using the school library, THE STUDENT will choose HIS/HER own book from the library shelf on 8 out of 10 opportunities as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when using the school library, THE STUDENT will choose HIS/HER own book from the library shelf on 9 out of 10 opportunities as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will say "I, me, mine" rather than own name :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will point to object that "is not ---" (is not a ball):
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will answer "who" question with name:
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use possessive form of nouns (daddy's) :
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year Given selection of CD ROMS, THE STUDENT will choose by eye gaze, pointing, verbal label) age appropriate reading material on 3 out of 10 opportunities over a 1 month period as observed and observed by staff.

By month/year Given selection of CD ROMS, THE STUDENT will choose by eye gaze, pointing, verbal label) age appropriate reading material on 6 out of 10 opportunities over a 1 month period as observed and observed by staff.

By month/year Given selection of CD ROMS, THE STUDENT will choose by eye gaze, pointing, verbal label) age appropriate reading material on 9 out of 10 opportunities over a 1 month period as observed and observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will use articles: the, a in speech:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use articles: the, a in speech:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use some class names (toy, animal, food) :
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will say "can" and "will":
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will describe items as open or closed :
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will maintain eye contact with the conversation partner on 4 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will maintain eye contact with the conversation partner on 6 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will maintain eye contact with the conversation partner on 8 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will say "is" at beginning of questions when appropriate:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will attend for five minutes while story is read :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will carry out series of two unrelated commands:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will tell full name when requested:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will answer simple "how" questions:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year THE STUDENT will hold pencil or crayon using the proper grip on 4 out of 10 trials for 3 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will hold pencil or crayon using the proper grip on 6 out of 10 trials for 4 consecutive days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will hold pencil or crayon using the proper grip on 8 out of 10 trials for 5 consecutive days as observed by staff.

THE STUDENT will use regular past tense forms (jumped) :
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, when presented with a preferred and non-preferred object or activity, THE STUDENT will express choice by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 2 times a day for 4 consecutive days.

By month/year, when presented with a preferred and non-preferred object or activity, THE STUDENT will express choice by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 3 times a day for 6 consecutive days.

By month/year, when presented with a preferred and non-preferred object or activity, THE STUDENT will express choice by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 4 times a day for 8 consecutive days.

THE STUDENT will tell about immediate experiences :
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will tell how common objects are used:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will get job on public bus, given oral directions 40% of the time over 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will get job on public bus, given oral directions 60% of the time over 7 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will get job on public bus, given oral directions 80% of the time over 9 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT can identify some personal information, but is experiencing difficulty in communicating personal data.
When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his first name:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his age:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, given a request from an employer for additional condiments, THE STUDENT will demonstrate ability to identify correct condiment jar to fulfill request at ( 60%) accuracy for 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, given a request from an employer for additional condiments, THE STUDENT will demonstrate ability to identify correct condiment jar to fulfill request at ( 80%) accuracy for 10 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, given a request from an employer for additional condiments, THE STUDENT will demonstrate ability to identify correct condiment jar to fulfill request at ( 100%) accuracy for 15 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his sex:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give the names of siblings:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will listen for the music and respond by sitting/standing during musical chairs games when the music begins and ends 40% of the time over 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will listen for the music and respond by sitting/standing during musical chairs games when the music begins and ends 60% of the time over 7 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will listen for the music and respond by sitting/standing during musical chairs games when the music begins and ends 80% of the time over 9 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his name of town or city:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

when requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his name, street address and phone number with:
20% accuracy by December 1998
40% accuracy by February
60% accuracy by April
80% accuracy by June
Communication Domain

By month/year, when given a 2-step direction (" stand up- come to me") by staff, THE STUDENT will respond by standing up and walking to the instructor 40% of the time over 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when given a 2-step direction (" stand up- come to me") by staff, THE STUDENT will respond by standing up and walking to the instructor 60% of the time over 7 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when given a 2-step direction (" stand up- come to me") by staff, THE STUDENT will respond by standing up and walking to the instructor 80% of the time over 9 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his birth date:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will respond to a bell signaling a change in activities 40% of the time over 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will respond to a bell signaling a change in activities 60% of the time over 7 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will respond to a bell signaling a change in activities 80% of the time over 9 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his telephone number:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will respond to greeting by waving within 3 seconds on 4 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will respond to greeting by waving within 3 seconds on 6 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will respond to greeting by waving within 3 seconds on 8 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his parents name:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will wait for a break in conversation before responding on 4 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will wait for a break in conversation before responding on 6 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when greeted by friends/peers tutors, THE STUDENT will wait for a break in conversation before responding on 8 out of 10 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

When requested to give personal data orally, THE STUDENT will correctly give his complete address:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year during free choice time, THE STUDENT will listen to other members of the band for 6 days as measured by staff observation and charted.

By month/year during free choice time, THE STUDENT will listen to other members of the band for 8 days as measured by staff observation and charted.

By month/year during free choice time, THE STUDENT will listen to other members of the band 10 days as measured by staff observation and charted.

when shown examples of eleven colors, THE STUDENT will correctly name: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, black, pink, gray, white:
3 of the colors by December 1998
5 of the colors by January
7 of the colors by February
9 of the colors by March
11 of the colors by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of prepositional concepts by placing an object correctly in response to a command 2 out of 5 questions on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of prepositional concepts by placing an object correctly in response to a command 3 out of 5 questions on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of prepositional concepts by placing an object correctly in response to a command 4 out of 5 questions on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When shown twelve pictures that depict contrasting quantitative concepts, THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of the concepts by responding correctly to requests for assessing each of the concepts as identified in the skill analysis section for s-8 through s-10:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will categorize objects according to one attribute ( color, size, use) 2 out of 5 questions on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will categorize objects according to one attribute ( color, size, use) 3 out of 5 questions on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will categorize objects according to one attribute ( color, size, use) 4 out of 5 questions on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When shown twenty-four pictures that depict contrasting directional and positional concepts, THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of the concepts by responding correctly to requests for assessing each of the concepts as identified in the skill analysis for s-11 through s-14:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will identify correct photo by eye gaze when shown two photos and asked, Which on is the____?" 2 out of 5 questions on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will identify correct photo by eye gaze when shown two photos and asked, Which on is the____?" 3 out of 5 questions on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will identify correct photo by eye gaze when shown two photos and asked, Which on is the____?" 4 out of 5 questions on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

When given a primary pencil and a sheet of unlined paper and when asked to draw a picture of a person, THE STUDENT will draw a picture with identifiable body parts. The following body parts will be included: head, legs, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, trunk, hands, ears, neck, and feet:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will indicate what the weather is by pointing to a symbol as noted and recorded by staff at least 2 times a day for 4 consecutive days.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will indicate what the weather is by pointing to a symbol as noted and recorded by staff at least 3 times a day for 6 consecutive days.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will indicate what the weather is by pointing to a symbol as noted and recorded by staff at least 4 times a day for 8 consecutive days.

Increase receptive communication
THE STUDENT continues with an activity even after his teacher asked him to stop. He ignores any verbal request for him to desists inappropriate behavior:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will use an adaptive device with voice output to independently order food items at a restaurant by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 2 times a day for 4 consecutive days.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will use an adaptive device with voice output to independently order food items at a restaurant by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 3 times a day for 6 consecutive days.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will use an adaptive device with voice output to independently order food items at a restaurant by changing facial expression as noted and recorded by staff at least 4 times a day for 8 consecutive days

THE STUDENT will listen attentively to instructions when spoken to directly in 5 out of 7 attempts:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 1 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 2 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 3 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

THE STUDENT will listen attentively to a story for at least five minutes 4 out of 5 times:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, when communicating with others, THE STUDENT will keep his .her head up so his .her face is visible 25% of the time on 2 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when communicating with others, THE STUDENT will keep his .her head up so his .her face is visible 50% of the time on 3 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when communicating with others, THE STUDENT will keep his .her head up so his .her face is visible 75% of the time on 4 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will attend to school or public lecture for 15 minutes:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, THE STUDENT will maintain at least_____ inches between himself/herself and the listeners 25% of the time on 2 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will maintain at least_____ inches between himself/herself and the listeners 50% of the time on 3 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, THE STUDENT will maintain at least_____ inches between himself/herself and the listeners 75% of the time on 4 out of 5 occasions as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will follow instructions requiring an action and an object 50% of the tine. (Examples are "Get your book" and "Find your shoe."):
1 out of 8 requests by January
3 out of 8 requests by March
5 out of 8 request by May
7 out of 8 requests by July
Communication Domain

By month/year, when asked by a peer "What's your name", THE STUDENT will clearly state HIS/HER name 60% of the time on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer "What's your name", THE STUDENT will clearly state HIS/HER name 70% of the time on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer "What's your name", THE STUDENT will clearly state HIS/HER name 80% of the time on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will say at least 75 recognizable words with 75% accuracy :
10 Words by April
20 Words by May
30 words by June
40 Words by July
50 words by October
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will spontaneously relate experiences in simple terms 5 out of 10 attempts. (The child may use single words or simple phrases, such as "cook," "doggy," and "play ball").
1 out of 8 times by January
3 out of 8 times by March
5 out of 8 times by May
7 out of 8 times by July
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use first names or nicknames of siblings, friends, or peers, or states their names when asked 80% of the time:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May

THE STUDENT will state month and day of birthday when asked.
1 out of 8 times by January
3 out of 8 times by March
5 out of 8 times by May
7 out of 8 times by July
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT_ will use "is" in statements (this is ball) THE STUDENT_ times per THE STUDENT.
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will express future occurrences with "going to," "have to," "want to" :
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will change word order appropriately to ask questions (can I, does he):
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use some common irregular plurals (men, feet):
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will tell two events in order of occurrence:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will carry out a series of directions given to him at one time by his teacher.
2 directions by November 1998.
3 directions by January
4 directions by April
5 directions by June
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will demonstrate understanding of passive sentences (boy hit girl, girl was hit by boy):
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT can find a pair of objects/pictures on request :
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will use "could" and "would" in speech:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

When provided with the appropriate stimuli, THE STUDENT will speak in complete sentences that are three or more words long:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

When provided with the appropriate stimuli, THE STUDENT will use pronouns to refer to others:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

When provided with the appropriate stimuli, THE STUDENT will ask simple questions:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

When shown a picture of a scene and asked to respond to question and requests, THE STUDENT will do so for the following skills:
naming different objects, animals, and people:
2 out of 10 requests by November
3 out of 10 requests by January
5 out of 10 requests by March
7 out of 10 requests by April
9 out of 10 requests by May
Communication Domain

When shown a picture of a scene and asked to respond to question and requests, THE STUDENT will do so for the following skills:
telling what is happening:
4 verbal reminders by June
3 verbal reminders by November
2 verbal reminders by February
1 verbal reminders by May
Communication Domain

When shown pictures of eighteen objects, each with a different final sound, THE STUDENT will increase the number of final sounds correctly articulated when naming each object:
1 out of 6 requests by November
2 out of 6 requests by February
3 out of 6 requests by March
4 out of 6 requests by April
Communication Domain

To improve articulation skills to an age-appropriate level THE STUDENT will, draw, tell about, and demonstrate correct tongue placement for a clear production:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

To improve speech skills, THE STUDENT will demonstrate a strong bite-chew-swallow pattern for self-help and to improve oral motor skills prerequisite for speech acquisition:
3 minutes,1 times per week by June
6 minutes, 2 times per week by October
12 minutes, 3 times per week by December
15 minutes, 4 times per week by February
18 minutes, 5 times per week by March
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will print or write own first name and last name with 50% accuracy:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year THE STUDENT will select HIS/HER name card. 40% of the time on 4 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will select HIS/HER name card. 60% of the time on 6 out of 10 days as observed by staff.

By month/year THE STUDENT will select HIS/HER name card. 80% of the time on 8 out of 10 days as observed by staff

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will initiate a conversation with at least 2 peers during meal time:
10 seconds 1 times per period by December
10 seconds 2 times per period by February
20 seconds 3 times per period by April
30 seconds 4 times per period by June
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will begin, continue, and end a topic with at least 2 peers during meal time:
2 minutes to 4 minutes without reinforcement by January
4 minutes to 6 minutes without reinforcement April
6 minutes to 8 minutes without reinforcement June
8 minutes to 10 minutes without reinforcement September
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will respond to at least 2 peer requests for more food items:
1 out of 5 attempts by June
2 out of 5 attempts by November
3 out of 5 attempts by February
4 out of 5 attempts by April
Communication Domain

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 1 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 2 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

By month/year, during free play period, THE STUDENT will ask a peer to dance at a school dance 3 out of 3 school days as observed and noted by teacher.

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will pour liquid from a small pitcher into a cup with minimal spillage:
30 minutes,1 times per week by June
30 minutes, 2 times per week by October
55 minutes, 3 times per week by December
55 minutes, 4 times per week by February
55 minutes, 5 times per week by March
Communication Domain

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will serve himself/herself from a bowl with appropriate utensil with minimal spillage:
30 minutes,1 times per week by June
30 minutes, 2 times per week by October
55 minutes, 3 times per week by December
55 minutes, 4 times per week by February
55 minutes, 5 times per week by March
Communication Domain

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will select a picture to communicate a choice 60% of the time on 2 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will select a picture to communicate a choice 70% of the time on 3 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

By month/year, when asked by a peer THE STUDENT will select a picture to communicate a choice 80% of the time on 4 out of 5 days as observed and recorded by staff.

THE STUDENT will increase his/her independence and participation during meal time. He will correctly produce target sound(s) when making request for additional snack items:
10 seconds 1 times per period by December
10 seconds 2 times per period by February
20 seconds 3 times per period by April
30 seconds 4 times per period by June
Communication Domain